It could only reminds me of you,
Things that I've done, (u_u)
Words that expressed from my irrational thinking and unstable emotion,
It hurts.
Little did I realized it became a sword that cut through every connection,
Just like the reality of the world,
That holds a lot of secrets - waiting to be revealed,
But sometimes secrets are meant to be concealed,
Because eyes can be deceiving, yet we still perceive,
Only to know that truth hurts, as it does not always fit your ideal schema.
Guys, and perhaps girls,
Think deeply before you make an expectation that is based on no-evidences, so called assumption,
Think again, and again,
Before you act, before you start this blame game,
Or initiate a personal attack.
Because once step forward you make means twice you will regret,
Things are not gonna be the same - only time will tell.
I realized about it - seconds after I started it,
Terlajak perahu boleh berundur, terlajak kata badan binasa.
I'm screwed - at least thats what I thought,
I'm hurting you when you knew nothing about it,
I'm accusing you when you keep denying about it,
And when I look back at you, only then I realized how much pain I have caused.
We're just human being, and we made mistakes,
The hardest part is, not to repeat them,
Learn from the past so others will get benefit.
I can't forgive myself until you said that to me,
While I still have time, and while I still have chances,
I'll take the risks, even if that means I'm losing you,
I'll keep on trying, and at least I tried,
To say that,
Deeply, truly, honestly, madly,